Fitness – Use haters as inspiration

For those out there who feel they’re getting knocked down by haters like internet trolls, social media, and pointless activist groups, understand that their hate only fuels people who work hard to become more successful and live a happier life.

On the flipside, Planet Fitness caters to those fat haters. Look at what they have become, a huge super successful chain all over the U.S. They’re making a killing taking advantage of the fat weak people. What kind of gym serves pizza and dessert at a gym? The founders of Planet Fitness are geniuses. They’re getting richer by encouraging weak minded haters to continue to hate and zero gains.

There is a new multi-billion dollar industry. The haters industry. Figure out a niche and make millions or billions off these haters. Play their game and buy a Ferrari with their hate.

So let the haters hate and let them watch you rise to the top.

Kanye West said it best… “When you’re the best you get hated on the most.”

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