Cross Fit Fail – This is why you don’t do Cross Fit or Cross Fit Competition

Yeah it might be the competitor’s fault but Cross Fit in general leads to significant injuries over all other exercises and sports. Get a real trainer and lift right. Cross Fit high intensity workout not only damages your spine and joints, doing competition of high repetition of heavy weight lifting, you’re over exerting your muscles joints. In normal situation, when you lift normally (not in Cross Fit setting), you rest between reps. Olympic cleans and body presses are for low repetitions for competition. But Cross Fit, not only its dangerous lifting heavy weights over your head high and fast repetitions and losing your bowel lifting, it releases massive toxins (Rhabdomyolysis – Toxic proteins from muscle tissue breakdown that is released into blood) from muscles into your kidneys leading to failure. How does this happen? Working out your body over the limit it is designed to do. Yes pushing yourself is a way to get stronger but Cross Fit takes it to another level that is NOT sustainable. Look at a powerlifter, they do it one time. Cross Fit trainers do not know what they are doing.

Here’s a hilarious video of a Cross Fit competition or training failure.

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