Movie: 80’s Cop + Lamborghini + Martial Arts = Kung Fury

Check out this crowd funded movie from Laser Unicorn called “Kung Fury”.
Yes, “Laser Unicorn”.

It has the recipe of becoming one of the best independent films of all time.

Fun Fact: Movie was all filmed in Sweden on a green screen.
Check out the behind the scenes footage:

Kung Fury is a visually spectacular action comedy that has its foundation in 80s cop movies.

The $1000,000 feature film goal felt like madness a couple of days ago but now it actually seems like a possibility. We will therefore try our best to make it a reality. Also I should note that we still plan to release the 30 minute version for free online. We haven’t been able to figure out all the details regarding the rewards for the feature, but we get back with more info in just a couple of days.


If we manage to reach $750,000 we will have a special screening in your city, with a meet and greet afterwards!
Go to to submit your city, vote and spread the word! The two (2) cities with the most votes will get the special screening! The voting will end once the campaign is finished, so hurry up!
Tickets to the event is sold separately. The screening will take place after the Kung Fury release.

Sorry for being unclear regarding shipping and the rewards. You won’t have to pay for shipping, regardless of where in the world you are! All of the rewards from $20 and above will include the digital download, sneak peak and access to the production diary, Unfortunately we can’t edit the description for the rewards.

KUNG FURY is an over-the-top action comedy written and directed by David Sandberg. The movie features: arcade-robots, dinosaurs, nazis, vikings, norse gods, mutants and a super kung fu-cop called Kung Fury, all wrapped up in an 80s style action packed adventure.

During an unfortunate series of events a friend of Kung Fury is assasinated by the most dangerous kung fu master criminal of all time; Adolf Hitler, a.k.a Kung Führer. Kung Fury decides to travel back in time, to Nazi Germany, in order to kill Hitler and end the Nazi empire once and for all. Kung Fury is a visually spectacular action comedy that has it’s foundation in 80s cop movies.

When I started this project over a year ago I was driven by a strong will, love for the 80s and action movies to create a unique movie that the world has never seen, which has taken to a finished trailer and enough material to create a 30 minute long film. This with help of friends and giddy days. This movie has been made on a very limited budget. At the beginning of this project I took $5000 of my own money and just started shooting whenever I and my friends had time.

Kung Fury takes place in a variety of exotic locations; 1980s Miami, Asgard and Germany in the 1940s, to name a few. With a limited budget to work with, we had to solve this by shooting most of the scenes against a greenscreen backdrop.

Shooting on greenscreen means that we have to recreate these environments digitally instead. The advantage of shooting on greenscreen is that it doesn’t require expensive sets or locations to shoot, it is very simple and only requires a small crew, which helped a lot in keeping the costs down. However, once you’re done shooting a movie like this, there’s a massive post-production phase that requires a lot of time and effort by talented visual effects artists.

When I started this project I knew that I had the skillset required to make a movie like this, since I have a background in visual effects. Now I need the manpower to finish it.

Hence kickstarter and the wish for you to get involved in this project, where all my dedication remains and where my goal is to finish this movie and share it with the world.

With the kickstarter funding we’ll hire a team of 7 visual effects artists who will work closely with David Sandberg on the post-production for a period of 6 months to complete the film. Pretty much every shot in this film requieres some form of visual effects treatment so there’s a lot of work to be done. Apart from creating all the environments digitally, there’s a lot of CG animated characters such as dinosaurs and robots that requires talented people and lots of time. To hire these artists we need to be able to pay them a decent salary. Money will also go to hire an exceptional artist to create the artwork for the movie poster. It will have that classic, illustrated 80s style that you rarely see anymore. Costs will also go to the rewards, such as printing costs for posters and stickers, t-shirts, blu-rays etc.

We’re open to all the help we can get, so if you’re a 3D artist, 3D animator, visual effects artist, compositor, or if you feel like contribute to this movie in any way not mentioned here, please contact us at:

No man should be left empty handed, so we’ve put together packages of exclusive rewards for each donator, all from t-shirts and posters to the soundtrack by Mitch murder and Lost years. Find more about the rewards on the panel to the right.

If this kickstarter campain is successful, we will release this 30 minute film online, for free. We want everybody to be able to watch and enjoy this film. It is our dream to be able to expand this into a full feature film. And if we were to exceed our kickstarter goal that something we want to look into.

This film was shot entirely on the Canon 5d, with the exception of the slow-mo scenes which were shot with the Sony FS700.


David Sandberg has worked closely with the production company Lampray ( from the start. The company is run by Linus Andersson and Martin Gärdemalm.

Recently the production company Salmon Fox ( got onboard with the project. With the Academy Award nominated producer Mathias Fjellström. David and Mathias share a love for the 80s and that will reflect in the final film.

Because this film has been shot on the span of over a year, there’s been a number of talented cinematographers involved. They are:

Martin Gärdemalm, Linus Andersson, Jonas Ernhill, Mattias Andersson ( and aerial cinematography by Henning Sandström (

Starring: David Sandberg as “Kung Fury”, Joanna Häggblom as “Viking Babe”, Leopold Nilsson as “Hacker Man”, Andreas Cahling as “Thor” and Per-Henrik Arvidius as “Chief”

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KUNG FURY is a very ambitious project to say the least. The good news is that we’ve already shot most of the film, so that eliminates a degree of worry right away. There’s so many man-hours that has went into creating this, that it is just not an option to give up at this point. It is currently the funding that is holding us back and finding money for a movie is hard, especially for a crazy project like this. We can only hope that you feel as excited about this project as we do and join us to create the most epic and hilarious 80s adventure this world has ever seen.

We have also already teamed up with a qualified partner to print and handle the reward products.

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