LaFerrari owner Fail

Here’s a reckless owner of a super rare exotic LaFerrari. The damage this owner causes on this very limited production LaFerrari only helps increase other LaFerrari’s haven’t had damage and overheat the engine. Ferrari is very good at tracking the condition of their sold LaFerrari’s, hopefully. This guy has absolutely ZERO F*CKS about this Ferrari. As if he’s getting revenge on it. At the very end of the video, while the engine is overheating, he revs the sh*t out of it again. Another video shows the owner and passenger confused why it’s smoking. Dumb and Dumber. If the former CEO at Ferrari was still in place, I imagine he would blacklist this guy from ever owning a Ferrari ever again.

Back to the idiot driver, running stop signs, he breaks off his side mirror on the Nissan Altima and damages the front splitter/spoiler multiple times. He ends his reckless driving when the engine overheats. Police are called. Hopefully the driver gets in some trouble. He’s lucky he didn’t kill anyone. Same goes with the Porsche. I guess these rich Middle Eastern idiots from London found their way to America.

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