There’s money in everything – The Sport of Video Gaming

A while back I posted a video of a kid who is making millions gaming. While it was more inspirational and thought provoking to what you want to do in life, here’s more to the gaming industry. I called it a sport because it’s produced like a NBA playoffs game with analysts and fans just like ESPN.

Today, there are more people in the world who play the online multiplayer battle game League of Legends than there are people who live in France. We wanted to see how humanity got to this point, so VICE host Matt Shea flew to South Korea, a country where competitive gaming—also known as eSports—can either make you rich and famous or land you in rehab.

In Part One, we touch down in Seoul, where the city’s gaming cafés, stadiums, and arenas are buzzing with anticipation for the biggest eSports match ever held in Korea. At the League of Legends world semifinals, Matt falls in love with famous cosplay team the Spiral Cats, but he’s crestfallen when they ditch him for an American eSports superstar.

More episodes to come on VICE.

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